"The overall efficiency of your office was stupendous, professional and caring."
"Your response to return phone calls was excellent. I was always called back the few times I left any message."
How do you rate our services to you?
"The paperwork accuracy was excellent. I received updates all the time throughout the case."
"Gerry was friendly and caring and made me feel comfortable when calling."
"Your professionalism was outstanding. I had never been treated better throughout the three years."
"The whole process I went through took almost three years, but somehow it doesn't seem that long because Gerry Oginski and his office were constantly keeping me updated on what was occurring. I think that made it feel like it was just the other day we met. "
Finally, my former client added "Please know that if you are in Gerald M. Oginski's hands, you will have the best representation available anywhere."
Victoria Suarez-Soto
Queens, N.Y.