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New study reveals cartilage damage linked to breast cancer.Research shows that the protein COMP can be found in tumors in patients with a poor prognosis as shared by New York Medical Malpractice Attorney Gerry Oginski
Can Vitamin D Help Fix Patients with Heart Disease?Researchers were concerned with a measure known as ejection fraction. New York Medical Malpractice Attorney Gerry Oginski shares this BBC news report.
She needed to lose weight. She went in for bariatric surgery. She ultimately suffered vision loss. Find out why.She had recently underwent weight-loss surgery and started to experience vitamin deficiency soon after. New York Medical Malpractice Attorney shares article
The dangers of diabetes and why it's a major disease around the world.Health officials are saying that the world's waistlines have ballooned with 1 in 3 people now overweight as shared by New York Medical Malpractice Attorney
Researchers using social media to identify cancer patients and what treatment they're receiving and how it's working for them.Even patients with the same diagnosis have different genetic makeups as shared by New York Medical Malpractice Attorney Gerry Oginski
Researchers have found a correlation between the amount of vitamin D and the risk of cancer.Gerry Oginski a New York Medical Malpractice Attorney shares an interesting article on the research being conducted with clinical trials in patients.
A new liquid biopsy may help doctors determine what type of cancer treatment is appropriate for your specific type of cancer.Lung cancer patient had a mutation that makes the disease treatable with certain pills as shared by New York Medical Malpractice Attorney Gerry Oginski
New cancer research shows that cancer takes over blood vessels and co-opts them for its own use.Study shows that tumors can become resistant to drugs over time as shared by New York Medical Malpractice Attorney Gerry Oginski.
Chemical found in Chinese plant may help scientists treat and possibly even cure cancer.Research has revealed how traditional medicine from China produces compounds which may help to treat diseases as shared by New York Medical Malpractice Attorney
New cancer research suggests that prostate cancer treatments may be more harmful than helpful.International research found that medical androgen deprivation therapies may suppress patients immune responses, New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer reveals.