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Bacteria Could Detect CancerResearchers now using bacteria to detect cancer rather than use bacteria as a cancer treatment. Report explains how they genetically alter a strain of E.coli
A Utah medical expert asserts that although thyroid cancer is common, the strain which led to the death of LDS leader Elder L. Tom Perry is rare.Many thyroid cancer patients end up taking daily thyroid hormone medication and undergo various simple tests and examinations following removal of the gland
Study Discovers Cancer’s Cheating WaysA new study explored the ways in which cancers bypass the protective mechanisms used by multicellular forms to ensure their survival.
Is Cancer Curable or Already Cured?Cancer does this by creating proteins on its surface that perform a chemical handshake with immune system cells to turn them off. “The immunotherapy drugs that
Men Are 50% More Likely to Get Esophageal CancerAccording to new statistics from the United Kingdom, since the 1980s esophageal cancer rates have increased by 50% in men with new cases reaching almost 6,000.
Antibody Discovery Could Lead to more Targeted Cancer ScansPositron emission tomography, PET, is routinely used by doctors to visualize cancer and monitor the extent of a patient’s disease. PET scans rely on giving
Link Between Cholesterol Drugs and Lower Risk of Cancer DeathAccording to a large study, women who take drugs that lower cholesterol levels seem to have a lower risk of dying from cancer.
Amazing New Diabetes DrugMetformin is currently used to lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. Researchers are saying it also reduces their threat of developing glaucoma
New Advances in Skin CancerMelanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer; it has doubled over the last three decades, according to the Centers for Disease Control
Cancer News for ChildrenRadiation & chemotherapy have saved countless children from leukemia and other cancer, but some of these treatments can damage the heart or other organs