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New research suggests that drinking coffee has an effect of reducing risk of women getting endometrial cancer. CAUTION...this conclusion only applied to overweight women! Read more...A recent study shared by New York Attorney found women who drank more than four cups of coffee a day had a 22% lower risk of developing endometrial cancer.
We know that exercise & good diet are good for us. New study reveals that it's also good for cancer patients. Here's why...Research suggests exercise can minimize side effects of some drugs used in treating cancer. New York Medical Malpractice Attorney shares article.
Dense breast tissue and reported mammogram results are often mistaken for cancer. Why? Because of how women read and interpret their mammogram reports.Brest cancer is one of the most common ailments in American women today. New York Medical Malpractice Attorney shares information about the subject.
Mammograms: When should women get them? New study says earlier.Research shows that the pros of early mammograms outweigh the cons. New York Medical Malpractice Attorney shares the data in this resourceful article.
New scientific study reveals perplexing results regarding the connection between autism and cancer.Research shows patients diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder have higher burden of mutations in oncogenesis shared by New York Medical Malpractice Attorney
New study reveals cartilage damage linked to breast cancer.Research shows that the protein COMP can be found in tumors in patients with a poor prognosis as shared by New York Medical Malpractice Attorney Gerry Oginski
Can Vitamin D Help Fix Patients with Heart Disease?Researchers were concerned with a measure known as ejection fraction. New York Medical Malpractice Attorney Gerry Oginski shares this BBC news report.
Researchers using social media to identify cancer patients and what treatment they're receiving and how it's working for them.Even patients with the same diagnosis have different genetic makeups as shared by New York Medical Malpractice Attorney Gerry Oginski
Researchers have found a correlation between the amount of vitamin D and the risk of cancer.Gerry Oginski a New York Medical Malpractice Attorney shares an interesting article on the research being conducted with clinical trials in patients.
A new liquid biopsy may help doctors determine what type of cancer treatment is appropriate for your specific type of cancer.Lung cancer patient had a mutation that makes the disease treatable with certain pills as shared by New York Medical Malpractice Attorney Gerry Oginski