Gerry Oginski is a medical malpractice lawyer who has been where you are and who has helped victims all over New York seek justice and obtain compensation for injuries related to misdiagnosis, failure to diagnose, surgical errors, birth injuries, and much more. Read more to learn about your medical malpractice rights and how to protect them.
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Imagine going to the doctor, having a simple blood test and the doctor being able to tell if you have clinical depression...You've been feeling down lately. You don't know why. You're depressed. You're not yourself. New blood test may help determine if you have clinical depression.
HPV vaccine readily available. Still, many teenage kids still have not received it. Why not?When a vaccine comes out to protect our kids from getting certain types of sexually transmitted diseases that are precursors to cancer you would think that...
Important Tips to Help Prevent Medical ErrorsMedical errors happen. That's a fact. Many of these errors and injuries are preventable. Even worse are preventable deaths. Learn tips to help prevent errors.
Is Diabetes Affecting your Brain?
Why a Defendant Doctor Can be Treated as a Hostile Witness at Trial
Can You Trust Electronic Medical Records?
Just because a young doctor graduated medical school and has a license doesn't mean he knows what he's doing.
Saving Premature BabiesAccording to BBC, “Every year more than 20 million babies are born prematurely or with low birth wait- and an estimated 450 of them die each hour.” New studies show that
Doctors Prescribing Unnecessary Expensive Tests; Study Says...Doctors are relying more and more on expensive urine tests to ensure that their patients are not taking prescription drugs according to The Times. The article states that
Man Dies at Coney Island Hospital after Blood Transfusion ErrorA man died at Coney Island Hospital last week after receiving the wrong type of blood during a blood transfusion. He was only forty years old.