This is not your typical library. Most library's have row after row of dusty books sitting on shelves. Not this one. Contained within this library are hundreds and thousands of articles about medical malpractice, accidents and wrongful death. The goal of creating this vast library is to inform you, the consumer, about how these cases work.
I have free reports, hundreds of educational videos, books and much more. All this information will empower you to become better informed consumers and help you decide which attorney is right for you and what you need to do next.
Take your time, read as much as you can, watch the videos and if you have questions, I encourage you to pick up the phone and schedule a phone consultation with me at 516-487-8207.
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My Bicycle Accident - A Detailed Account Of a Woman Who Didn't CareMy Bicycle Accident - A Detailed Account Of a Woman Who Didn't Care. Gerry describes in vivid detail what happened to him when a woman opened her car door into moving traffic without looking. Unfortunately for Gerry, he was riding a bicycle at the time, and not driving his car. In his case, the bicycle accident was traumatic and forced him over the handlebars and right into the middle of the road.
The frivolous case for tort law change-Opponents of the legal system exaggerate its costs, ignore its benefitsThe frivolous case for tort law change Opponents of the legal system exaggerate its costs, ignore its benefits
Newsday Flyer- 5 Deadly Sins That Can Wreck Your Injury ClaimThis is a flyer that will appear in Newsday in the next few weeks giving readers a preview of our Free Special Report, 5 Deadly Sins That Can Wreck Your Accident Claim. It discusses accidents, accident, car accident, bike accident, deadly sins, deadly, sins, bicycle, car, trek bike, cannondale, things you should know, accident claim, accident lawsuit, damages, injury, injuries, injured
Common questions about bicycle and pedestrian traffic laws in the State of New York
How not to get hit by cars- 10 Ways not to get hit by a carBicycle safety How not to get hit by cars Bicycle accidents
New York Injury Times- April 2005 Newsletter- When is a Settlement not a Settlement?New York Injury Times- Our new newsletter in color. When is a settlement not a settlement? When it's not done in open court and put on the record, or when the terms of the settlement are not confirmed and put in explicit detail.
New York Injury Times- Our New Monthly Newsletter March 2005New York Injury Times- Our New Monthly Newsletter. Inside this month's edition, March 2005: Slip and falls on snow and ice...what you need to know.
Foot doctor tries to explain away child's burn injuries from a cast cutterA foot doctor- the Chief of Podiatry- explains why a young child who suffered burns from a cast cutter could not have suffered these injuries from this equipment. It's a fascinating read, especially when he tries to explain other possiblities for this child's injuries.
A foot doctor in training, a podiatry resident, explains that he has no idea how a young child could have gotten injured from removing his cast with a cast cutter.A foot doctor in training, a podiatry resident, explains that he has no idea how a young child could have gotten injured from removing his cast with a cast cutter. Read the inconsistencies showing that this doctor gave the mother antibiotic ointment, yet claimed there were no injuries to the childs' leg.
10 Things Your New York Medical Malpractice And Personal Injury Lawyer May Not Tell You10 Things Your New York Medical Malpractice And Personal Injury Lawyer May Not Tell You. A list of important facts that you need to keep in mind when you consult with an injury lawyer. Be an informed consumer and importantly, ask questions.