This is not your typical library. Most library's have row after row of dusty books sitting on shelves. Not this one. Contained within this library are hundreds and thousands of articles about medical malpractice, accidents and wrongful death. The goal of creating this vast library is to inform you, the consumer, about how these cases work.
I have free reports, hundreds of educational videos, books and much more. All this information will empower you to become better informed consumers and help you decide which attorney is right for you and what you need to do next.
Take your time, read as much as you can, watch the videos and if you have questions, I encourage you to pick up the phone and schedule a phone consultation with me at 516-487-8207.
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Car Accidents in NY- 7 Reasons You May Not Want to SueLearn the seven reasons why you many not want to bring a lawsuit if you've been injured in a car accident case in the State of New York. The reasons may be
"What Color Was The Light?" Asked The Police OfficerIf an officer isn't on the scene, an ambulance attendant might ask, or even a good Samaritan checking to see if you're ok. Most people want to know, even at the scene of a gruesome accident, who went through the red light.
Car Accidents- 5 Reasons To Sue Your ParentsLearn why you may have to sue your parents if you were a passenger in a car driven by one of your parents and were involved in an accident.
Car Accidents - You're Driving Through An Intersection, And All You Remember Is A Loud CrashCar accidents - You're driving through an intersection and the light is green as you enter the intersection. You remember a loud crash, and then waking up in
5 REASONS WHY YOU DON'T NEED AN ATTORNEYRead why after an accident you may not need an attorney at all.
The 10 Most Common Car-Bike Collisions & How to Avoid ThemThe following material examines the 10 most common bicycle-car collision types and discusses how cyclists and drivers can avoid them. This is considered essential reading for all cyclists and all drivers.
Read about Gerry's recent bicycle accidentBike accident, bicycle, bicycle accident, car accident, bike injury, bike injuries, cannondale, cannondale bike, damages, hurt, pain, suffering
My Bicycle Accident - A Detailed Account Of a Woman Who Didn't CareMy Bicycle Accident - A Detailed Account Of a Woman Who Didn't Care. Gerry describes in vivid detail what happened to him when a woman opened her car door into moving traffic without looking. Unfortunately for Gerry, he was riding a bicycle at the time, and not driving his car. In his case, the bicycle accident was traumatic and forced him over the handlebars and right into the middle of the road.
Common questions about bicycle and pedestrian traffic laws in the State of New York
How not to get hit by cars- 10 Ways not to get hit by a carBicycle safety How not to get hit by cars Bicycle accidents