This is not your typical library. Most library's have row after row of dusty books sitting on shelves. Not this one. Contained within this library are hundreds and thousands of articles about medical malpractice, accidents and wrongful death. The goal of creating this vast library is to inform you, the consumer, about how these cases work.
I have free reports, hundreds of educational videos, books and much more. All this information will empower you to become better informed consumers and help you decide which attorney is right for you and what you need to do next.
Take your time, read as much as you can, watch the videos and if you have questions, I encourage you to pick up the phone and schedule a phone consultation with me at 516-487-8207.
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Doctor claims since he never had this complication before, he shouldn't be held responsible. Is this right?We believe that this patient never would've suffered these injuries had the doctor not been careless. We agreed that this particular injury
Just because you had a surgical complication, does that mean your doctor committed medical malpractice?To determine if your injuries were a result of improper medical care, a board certified medical expert needs to determine if surgery was really needed.
Was doctor drinking before operating on you? How do you know?What happens though if your doctor had a little to much to drink and now is operating on you and you experience significant injury?
Is Bariatric Surgery Right for You?BBC news reports on whether you should take your doctor’s suggestion & get bariatric surgery. Many doctors recommend it but who's the ideal candidate for it?
Blood test helps predict how quickly you'll recover from surgery; New Study RevealsBlood tests an immune response that accounts for much of the patient's difference in recovery time. There is a pattern of immune cells that are first responders
Joan Rivers Died & Surviving Daughter Melissa Rivers Contemplates Bringing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit. Here are 3 common defenses they are likely to encounter if a lawsuit is filed.Melissa Rivers is contemplating bringing a wrongful death lawsuit against doctors and endoscopy center for her mother's untimely death. Here's typical defenses
According to, Melissa Rivers will sue for Wrongful Death of her mom, Joan Rivers. Here's what a family in this situation needs to understand before filing a medical malpractice and wrongful death case here in NY.Melissa Rivers will likely sue for wrongful death of her mom, Joan Rivers. Here's an inside look at what a surviving family needs to know about wrongful death
New stfudy reveals irregular heartbeat, known as atrial fibrilation, is a significant risk factor for predicting stroke during and after surgeryRecent study shows that patients who have an irregular heart rhythm have a significant increased risk of developing a stroke both during and after surgery.
New study reveals that knee replacement surgery may be unnecessaryHave you heard about someone having a knee replacement? Does it work? Is it worthwhile? New study indicates it may not be worthwhile.
Surgeon removes wrong kidney leaving cancerous kidney still within the patient. How can this happen? Don't they know the difference between left and right?I don't get it. There's a difference between the right kidney and the left kidney. How can a well-qualified surgeon mistake the two? That's what happened.