This is not your typical library. Most library's have row after row of dusty books sitting on shelves. Not this one. Contained within this library are hundreds and thousands of articles about medical malpractice, accidents and wrongful death. The goal of creating this vast library is to inform you, the consumer, about how these cases work.
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Take your time, read as much as you can, watch the videos and if you have questions, I encourage you to pick up the phone and schedule a phone consultation with me at 516-487-8207.
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Examples of Medical Errors Due to Simple MiscommunicationHad this been recognized and communicated at the time of her car accident, she could have had immediate treatment that would have removed the most of her tumor
Your Doctor Told You to Do Something. You Didn't. You Now Suffer Injury. Is Your Physician Responsible For Your Injury?Your doctor knew that a breast surgeon was better qualified to evaluate whether your breast lump was benign or malignant. You disregarded your doctor's orders.
One Miscommunication After the Other Led to This Patient's Breast Cancer Not Being Recognized. She Was Finally Diagnosed with Stage IIIB Breast Cancer. Learn Why This Should Have Been Caught at Stage I...Our board-certified breast surgeon could not understand how the radiologist who interpreted the breast sonogram did not perform a physical examination on this
Miscommunication Between a Radiologist and Emergency Room Physician Leads to Patient Going Blind in One Eye"If it's not cancerous, what type of tumor is it?" the patient asks. "It's likely a space-occupying tumor. It looks like it has put massive pressure on the
Young Boy Loses Testicle When Hospital Staff Fails to Realize Clock is TickingHad they not delayed, they still would have been within their window of opportunity to save his testicle. The triage nurse delayed calling a resident.
You Can't Believe It! Your New Doctor is Actually Encouraging You to Start a Lawsuit Against Your First Doctor! Why Would He Do That?Your original doctor, the one whom you trusted, violated the basic standards of medical care. But you've also heard that doctors don't like pointing fingers
DOCTOR MUST ASSUME FACTS TO BE TRUE IN EACH HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION I POSE TO HIM DURING PRETRIAL AND TRIAL TESTIMONY IN A MEDICAL MALPRACTICE CASE HERE IN NEW YORKWould you agree that failing to perform an EKG would be a departure from good care? Would you agree these symptoms were also indicative of ischemia?
You Feel Awful Suing Your Doctor. Your Guilt Eats Away at You Each Night. You Decide You're Going to Write Him an Apology Letter. Is That a Good Idea?The defense attorney will extract every piece of favorable information in that heartfelt letter to establish that his client, the doctor, is a wonderful person.
You are furious to learn that the doctor misdiagnosed your cancer. Your cancer has advanced. Now you have a limited life expectancy. Is that enough to start a lawsuit?In a failure to diagnose cancer case, there is a very important key question that I must answer in order to determine if you have a valid case. If your cancer
Doctor's kindness may have prevented him from being sued. Learn why...It wasn't until about a year after her last visit did she realize something was wrong. She went to her doctor with a specific complaint. He recognized