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Can prostate cancer be over treated and overdiagnosed? Find out what a new study shows.When diagnosed with prostate cancer, what is considered “over treatment?” What is considered “over diagnosis?” Find out what younger doctors think.
Scientists figure out a new way to create a biological pacemaker that replaces electronic pacemakersNew study shows how the use of biological pacemakers can help cardiac patients based on research done with pig hearts. Learn how gene therapy is working.
New study reports HPV tests are actually the best way to test for cervical cancer.What test is best to detect cervical cancer? New study reveals that HPV testing may be a more reliable indicator for both positive and negative testing.
Being Obese Correlated to Shortening Your Life...New Study ConcludesNew study reveals a connection between being overweight and losing years of your life. Not a pleasant thought. Obesity, lifestyle, lack of exercise and food.
New study by some physicians suggest that yearly pelvic exams have no benefit. What do you think?New study indicates that routine pelvic exams may not have any benefit. It is a question of cost or is there really no benefit? Ask any ob/gyn and see.
New study reveals low doses of aspirin might reduce risk of developing pancreatic cancer.Doctors prescribe aspirin to try and prevent heart attacks. New study reveals aspirin might be useful in reducing your risk of developing pancreatic cancer.
New study reveals 3-D mammograms are more accurate than 2-D mammograms in detecting breast cancer. Is the difference worth the additional cost? You decide.New research reveals 3-D mammograms are better for detecting breast cancer than 2-D imaging studies. Is the additional cost worth it? What's your life worth?
What's the connection between red meat and breast cancer? New study reveals a connection but not all experts agree on its conclusions.Is there a connection between eating too much red meat and cancer? New study shows correlation, but not all agree with study findings.
New study reveals link between sitting and cancerNew research reveals a link between excessive sitting and inactivity and the dreaded disease...cancer. Learn more about this surprising study.
How many moles do you have on your skin? New study reveals some correlation between the number of moles & the incidence of breast cancer.Do the number of moles you have on your skin equate to whether or not a woman will experience breast cancer? A new study shows some correlation but not definite